Now that the QAnon movement has gone Mainstream, lets look how it has scooped up NH Senator Shaheen. The Senator has gone all in on the ‘Russians Hacked DNC Servers’ to meddle with US elections.
Lets start back in Jan2017 with her questioning the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. She stumbles through her opening, note she is reading her questions, an indication they are not her own. But listen to all their answers as well, you would think they just discovered the internet is hackable. None of this was an issue until Trump was elected President. Now, WTF the Russians must have figured out how to hack the internet. Listen to them! Does she really think this Clown Show will work anymore? 5min runtime.
Later we would learn that former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper admitted in a CNN interview that former President Obama instigated the ongoing investigations into Donald Trump and those in his orbit. In an article posted on ZeroHedge: Clapper: Obama Was Behind The Whole Thing
Then we have her lengthy twitter feed obsessively demanding something be done. She really likes war it seems, and whatever John McCain tells her. She does, however give props to @POTUS Trump in one twat:
Calling for Senate hearing on Russian interference in our elections. Hacks of state voting systems, DNC & C Powell's emails very concerning
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) September 15, 2016
Here's my letter calling for a Senate hearing on Russian interference in the Nov election:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) September 15, 2016
Glad @POTUS has ordered review of election-related hacking. Russian interference is violation of our democracy. Senate should hold hearings
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) December 9, 2016
I’ve been calling for a public hearing on Russian election interference since Sept. Pleased @SenBobCorker has committed to hearings& inquiry
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) December 13, 2016
Strongly support steps announced by Obama Administration to respond to Russian hacking. My statement:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) December 29, 2016
About to join @mitchellreports to discuss Russian hacking & my call for a review of Gen. Flynn’s security clearance. Tune in @msnbc
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) December 21, 2016
Tune in to @MSNBC. I'll be talking about public intel report on Russian hacking of elections & upcoming confirmation hearings #nhpolitics
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) January 9, 2017
The facts are in & it's time to act. Today I was proud to intro bipartisan Russian sanctions legislation #nhpolitics
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) January 10, 2017
Agree w/ @IgnatiusPost Russian interference in our elections is part of a broader attack on Western democracies
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) February 24, 2017
Pres Trump derides our close partners & allies but remains silent on Russian aggression in Ukraine & poisoning/deaths of Putin opponents
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) February 2, 2017
I support setting up an independent probe into Russian election interference & contact w/ Trump aides. Should have broad subpoena power
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) February 15, 2017
Abt to address the World Affairs Council at @SNHU on Russian interference &US strategy needed to fight back. WATCH:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) March 24, 2017
About to deliver my speech at @CAPAction outlining US response to Russian interference, watch it here:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) April 27, 2017
Pres Macron has taken strong stance against Russian propaganda. Time to do same in US. Should start by investigating RT for FARA compliance
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) May 30, 2017
The Senate just sent Russian sanctions legislation that I helped negotiate to the President's desk. President Trump MUST sign into law
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) July 27, 2017
I applaud the Trump administration's order to shutter Russian diplomatic facilities. My statement:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) August 31, 2017
Absolutely agree w/ @MarkWarnerVA & @SenatorBurr on the need to protect future elections from Russian interference. Needs to be bipartisan!
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) October 4, 2017
New @WSJ report on cooperation between Kaspersky Lab & Russian govt underscores overwhelming case against Kaspersky Lab. My statement:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) October 11, 2017
I'm calling on Senate Armed Services Committee to hold a hearing on Russian hack of NSA using Kaspersky Lab software. My letter:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) October 5, 2017
Agree w/ @MarkWarner & share his concern about reckless voices trying to discredit the special counsel investigation & potential interference by the President. Imperative that there be no obstruction. We need answers about Russian interference in the election.
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) December 21, 2017
It's clear we need a special prosecutor to investigate Russian ties to the Trump campaign. There's no question Sessions must recuse himself
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) March 2, 2017
Discussing Russian interference in our democracy at @ISTS_Dartmouth. Our challenge is to fully understand Russia’s attack on our democracy, expose Putin’s methods, tactics, and strategy, & do what's necessary to ensure it doesn’t happen again #nhpolitics
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) February 20, 2018
Glad to see the @DeptofDefense & @StateDept take action to combat Russian interference in US elections. I fought to free these funds to support this initiative & protect our democracy. This is an important step, but more work remains to protect the 2018 elections.
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) February 26, 2018
I applaud the actions taken today by the Trump administration to expel Kremlin officials and shutter the Russian compound in Seattle. My statement:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) March 26, 2018
My statement on the President’s decision to backtrack on Russian sanctions:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) April 16, 2018
The DOJ indictment of 12 Russian intel officials reaffirms the assessment of our intel agencies that Russia interfered in our elections. At his summit w/ Putin, President Trump must confront him regarding evidence of Russian interference. My statement:
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) July 13, 2018
Thread: The Trump admin needs to stand-down on its opposition to bipartisan Russian sanctions leg & the House should finally vote.
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) July 12, 2017
You get the idea by now. So next she signs this letter along with 9 other Democrats suggesting that Vice President Mike Pence on his visit to Ecuador, force them to pull Julian Assange’s protection from their embassy in London! Remember, they need the narrative that JA is working with the Russians to undermine global elections. They have yet to provide any proof.
The DNC servers were NEVER turned over for inspection. Why, it would show they were not hacked. The data was leaked by whistle blower Seth Rich because HRC campaign was stealing the election from Bernie Sanders. And before you bring up the Guccifer 2.0 indictment, since when does a alleged Russian Agent forget to hide his IP address!
From a 2017 article on CNN they quoted the FBI as saying: “The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated,” a senior law enforcement official told CNN. “This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.”
The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrike which was hired by the DNC to inspect after the Podesta Email grab. To say the least, CrowdStrike and its owner are sketchy. Does it make ANY sense to trust the fox guarding the hen house? They thinks so.
This rabbit hole goes deeper but I’ll save that for another article. For now this brings us to Senator Shaheens letter. They desperately do not want JA or the Servers to show us their secrets.
This letter and the names on it is very important as you see shortly. Sauce
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”6-27-18 RM letter to Pence Ecuador”]
On 28June2018 Q responded to an Anon post of the above signed letter on /qresearch/ with this:
What Q is eluding to is They Have It All! And they have just called out Senator Shaheen! This alone explains her obsession with a diversion to keep the truth from us. @POTUS is keeping his promise and Draining The Swamp!
Look what happens following this Q drop.
Read Q posts for the rest of that day HERE
Then this was posted by Q:
And yes access to the chans got wacky, 4chn/pol/ was gone, 8chan was still accessable but getting to current “bread” was difficult and the attack failed. They continue in mass (4am talking points) to paint QAnons as violent conspiracy nuts obsessed with #pizzagate #Sandyhook etc. as seen in this drop of all MSM posting the same article. Talk about Mockingbird Media! Conspiracy is no longer a theory! Below Q posted an example of what the 4am talking points looks like in action:
Q 1797 Aug 2 2018 12:26:32 (EST)
What does FEAR look like? What does PANIC look like? What does CONTROL look like? What does COORDINATION look like? What does FAKE NEWS look like? SHEEP NO MORE. [Sample 4] Q |
The TRUTH is, while the MSM atempts to paint QANON as violent its just the opposite. Have a look at the militant wing of the Democrat Party, ANTIFA Flag!
Which brings me to the close, and this post from Q showing the sealed 40k indictments already in place by U.S. Attorney John Huber in UTAH
Here is the just released list. Note New Hampshire has 138 sealed indictments! Is our Senator on that list???? FUTURE PROVES PAST