Democratic Congressional Reps from NH Fall For Propaganda Story Leaked Out by CIA News Outlet Washington Post

Democratic Congressional Reps from NH Fall For Propaganda Story Leaked Out by CIA News Outlet Washington Post
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Facts First. Who owns Washington Post? Billionaire Jeff Bezos. What is his political affiliation? Trump versus Bezos It seems the mega billionaire is going to throw some of his $$ into using the WP as his personal mouthpiece against the President. What $600 million contract did Bezos and his paper secure for twice what he paid for the paper? The CIA! In this article they correctly state  “News media should illuminate conflicts of interest, not embody them. But the owner of the Washington Post is now doing big business with the Central Intelligence Agency, while readers of the newspaper’s CIA coverage are left in the dark.”

Furthermore,  ZeroHedge posted an article “The CIA, Washington Post, And Russia: What You’re Not Being Told”  here is an interesting section of the article:

In 1977, Carl Bernstein, a former Post journalist, wrote about the CIA’s efforts to infiltrate the news media, often with the assistance of top management at the papers. In total, Bernstein reported, over 400 journalists were involved:

Journalists provided a full range of clandestine services—from simple intelligence gathering to serving as go?betweens with spies in Communist countries. Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners, distinguished reporters who considered themselves ambassadors without?portfolio for their country…In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.”

Though Bernstein failed to name the Post as an offender in his article, according to Tim Weiner, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, the CIA worked directly with the Washington Post, among many other outlets. In his comprehensive history of the CIA, Legacy of Ashes, Weiner wrote of the CIA’s first official chief, Allen Dulles:

Dulles kept in close touch with the men who ran the New York Times, The Washington Post, and the nation’s leading weekly magazines. He could pick up the phone and edit a breaking story, make sure an irritating foreign correspondent was yanked from the field, or hire the services of men such as Time’s Berlin bureau chief and Newsweek’s man in Tokyo.

He continued:

It was second nature for Dulles to plant stories in the press. American newsrooms were dominated by veterans of the government’s wartime propaganda branch, the Office of War Information.”

Zerohedges conclusion:

Given the CIA’s history of using media to accomplish both internal and external political goals, it’s possible — though admittedly wholly unconfirmed — this Post piece on Russia serves as yet another example of the clandestine agency using the paper as a tool to achieve its own ends.

Regardless, the Post continues to treat anonymous statements from the agency as fact, leading the way as countless other mainstream outlets parrot their narrative. Though it’s possible Russia did attempt to intervene in the U.S. election, there is little reason to trust information from an outlet with a history of collaborating with the agency spreading these claims.


OK So how does this tie in with our all female Democrat New Hampshire Reps. Lets look at their tweets and what they quoted from the billionaire Bezos, CIA Controlled Washington Post.

Senator Hassan:

Unfortunately for Sen. Hassan she started off her tenure looking like a total buffoon during the Marine Gen. John Kelley confirmation hearing to head the Department of Homeland Security when she quoted the Washington Post story on the Russian hacking of a Vermont Power Grid which was fake news AND the Washington Post HAD ALREADY POSTED A RETRACTION

Senator Shaheen:

Reasonable response from Senator Shaheen. Sessions has recused himself from Russian ties to campaign investigations. But if your going to call for special prosecutor then where were you when as stated by Robert Barnes in his article ‘Sorry But Jeff Sessions Absolutely Did NOT Perjure Himself Under Oath When Asked About Russia’

“There was strong evidence Hillary Clinton made false statements to Congress about a range of subjects concerning the emails, and evidence she knew they were false. She still was not prosecuted, and Professors like Laurence Tribe recommended her for the Presidency. There was strong evidence James Clapper lied to Congress about the NSA spying on Americans, and he was not prosecuted, but promoted by President Obama, without complaint from many of these same liberal lawyers, professors and journalists. Yet, these same “lawyers” and “journalists” now attack Sessions for what is manifestly not a criminal act, and for which they never demanded any inquiry of either Clinton or Clapper.”

There are countless articles from major news sources asking the same question Senator! Where were you then? let me refressh your memory, when asked you comment was ” New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen repeated the same refrain later, saying “I don’t know enough about it to appropriately respond.” Hypocrite.


Congresswoman Kuster:

Her only post on the subject and she too quotes the CIA controlled WP. Im going to give Ann a break here I’ve been following her tweeter feed and on this subject so far shes just following the party line and is uneducated (maybe on purpose) and just cut and pasting instead of doing her homework.


Congresswoman Shea-Porter had alot to say:

<rant ON>

Congresswoman, whos your controller? Obviously its not your constituents. Your spewing out nonsense without knowing the facts wreaks of ‘groups think’… oh wait that doesn’t matter to you I forgot. Are you even aware who Senator Sessions is?  Your coming off as a bitter partisan who has no interest in waiting for facts. How did you ever get re-elected. Oh btw I’d like the same health-care plan you and your and staff have. If your going to fight them on everything fight for this,  Nice of you to hammer us with Obamacare nightmare and you voted to exempt yourself from. Suggest you stick to what you do best, fight for Veterans Rights. That means illegals don’t get better benefits than Vets encase you forgot.

<rant OFF>


Bottom line folks, the DEEP STATE is some pissed off that a non insider got elected President. They’ve got  a plan and the help of powerful billionaires to fund them.  Watch this fascinating Bill Moyer interview on the Deep State with Mike Lofgren, a congressional staff member for 28 years from 2014.  These folks don’t like it that some one is stepping on their turf and the entrenched (if ya been there longer than 2 terms YOU ARE THE PROBLEM) Washington DC Insiders Only Club  and the Main Stream Media is obviously afraid of the 99%’rs…..


Is it 1984?