Quoting a ‘Poll’ in the Conway Daily Sun, state democrats mislead that 55% of people say the new concealed carry law does NOT make them feel safer. What they don’t tell you is only 20 people gave a hoot to even vote and 11 of them represent 55% of the readership. Typical tactics used by the extremist progressives running the party.
For starters here is the original tweet by the NH Democrat Party
In @ConwayDailySun‘s Tele-Talk poll, 55% say the new concealed carry law does NOT make them feel safer #nhpolitics https://t.co/3vROa2u8gx
— NH Democratic Party (@NHDems) February 28, 2017
Speaking of extremists, guess who almost immediately re-tweeted it. Yep, @ChairmanBuckley so I called called him out on posting misleading attack on the NOW PASSED AND APPROVED conceal carry in NH.
@NHDems @ChairmanBuckley @ConwayDailySun Your really quoting a poll consisting of 20 people? 11 to 9 vote? Seriously?
— MWV Times (@MWVTIMES) February 28, 2017
Well, he did not like my response and promptly blocked me on Twitter….whoop-d-do. I have to laugh as this is typical response from the leftest progressives that have taken over the Democratic party in NH. And to think he was being considered for the national DNC party….well, untill Brietbart exposed his nasty past. Shock Videos: Meet Ray Buckley, Who Might Actually Become the Chairman of the Democratic Party
Looking around NH seems he really doesn’t like people calling him out, Kimberly Morin posted this story NH Democrat Chair and Sexist Pig Ray Buckley Embarrasses Himself AGAIN in the Granite Grok back in December 2015. How is this guy still Chairman?